Saturday, December 08, 2007

When, Still, Hope

When tools fail,
when notions die,
when words fall short,
when you feel so lost,
when the help you offer seems just as good as none at all,
when emotions force long drawn breaths,
when you say goodbye,
it hurts.

Just like hoping.

But still you say it,
still you stop,
still you love,
still you hurt,
still you die inside.

Still you hope.

Still you live.

Still you hope.

Still you live.

Still you hope.

Still you live,

And Faith brings Glory down.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Seeing, but not seen.
Feeling, but not felt.
Lonely and alone in all but love, joy, sadness and pain.

For these know no distance.

no matter how far,
knows of these in themselves.

One may not feel it,
but they share it.


These they know.
These they share.
For in these they are one.

Heart Beat

Do you know how a heart gets its beat? Like all the best pairs God creates them as a team; creates the beat and heart so that they compliment each other perfectly. But the final union of the two is hard to come by, for many hearts and beats never find each other...

In the mysterious way of wisdom that the Lord has He does not bond the heart and beat at their creation. He lets them wander if they will ( which they always do) and to seek the existence that they desire. They may wander for ages, they may wander for days, months or years. Some will never find what they most desire, some will never realize that what they want is right beside them. But some will find each other, pulled by the love of unity that the Father has instilled in them.

The heart, once it comes into its full existence and knowledge of its desire, sits in the chest of its host growing in size and complexity. Being mostly of the material world it can do nothing but grow in the hope that it will find that beat that compliments it perfectly, and that then it may expel the forcefulness of that beat out into the world around it with the life-giving tones of perfect harmony.

The beat, being almost completely of the soul's world, moves about in that place beyond and yet about us, testing the world for a place to dwell, a place to make a home and thrive in. A place to give birth to the cantering dance within it.

The as the heart nears the time of decision it strains in the chest, listening for the rhythm of its beat... waiting... yearning...

and the beat too strives to find its heart... crying out for it heart... louder... louder...

until that moment, that moment where they touch ever so lightly through the knit of time, space and soul... exploring the being of the other, hoping for hope's sake that this is the one that they have been made for...

All Heaven holds its breath... until that moment of eternity where the Father smiles, the Son cries and the Spirit joins them in Joy!

Thump-Thump! Thump-Thump! Thump-Thump!

Whole at last, never to be parted, as they make the music of life.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Out of Sight...

I woke this morning to confusion: something was wrong.

I felt as though I had lost one of my senses.

I looked for my lost sense in the mirror, but saw nothing of it.
My hands groped for it, and felt naught.
I sniffed the air for it, and got nothing but a sore chest.

So, lacking though I felt I went to breakfast.
As I sat eating my cereal,
listening to the crunching inside my skull,
I wondered upon what I was missing.

I turned to my ask my love what she thought,
and realized she was gone.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eternal Moments

A true lover's kiss,
once given,
cannot be taken.
It cannot be stolen by time or distance,
neither friends nor family.

And just as no earthly thing may take it,
neither may Death.

Christ still kisses those He loves.

So God honours the kisses of lovers,
whenever, wherever they be.
For with love there is truth.

So by loving,
lovers become most like Him.
This is how some find that they are a lover:
by discovering that the kiss of their love does not leave them,
staying constant as can be, with them always.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Two beds of onyx,
inscribed with beaten bronze flames radiating out of that perfect,
deep, black circle.
Moss, cool green against that heated metal,
grows in from the rims of those domed rocks.
Cool and wet white sand surrounds the stones,
in contrast to them, yet feeding their deep wells of thoughtfulness.

Light clouds throw playful shadows across their mindful surfaces,
intelligence reflects as lightning flashes while storms come and go.
While the smooth surfaces reflect the surrounding sky and all its glory,
the depths are so calm,
their elements so refined,
nothing in this world or the next could shake them save their Maker.

And then she blinks,
I'm drawn back to the present.
I look away, self aware again.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Confusion of the Seasons

In winter the ground freezes.
Leafs hide in the the stems.
Stems grasp the ground with their roots.

Rain pelts the plant with cold hard water,
water that in other seasons would make the plant glad
but now makes it fear for it's well-being.

Fear of death knocks with every drop that falls:
shaking the stem, ripping the leafs.
But hope remains.

For where there's light there's hope.
And though clouds may crowd the sky
no shadow lights upon the plant.

This water thrown from above
may yet serve the needs of the plant.
Roots may grow deeper, leafs larger and stems longer.

This frozen rain will feel the warmth of the sun,
and as the plant too feels this love from Heaven
the water will be sopped from the soil and feed it's growth.

Winter comes every year,
but never alone.
Spring will always follow.