Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Confusion of the Seasons

In winter the ground freezes.
Leafs hide in the the stems.
Stems grasp the ground with their roots.

Rain pelts the plant with cold hard water,
water that in other seasons would make the plant glad
but now makes it fear for it's well-being.

Fear of death knocks with every drop that falls:
shaking the stem, ripping the leafs.
But hope remains.

For where there's light there's hope.
And though clouds may crowd the sky
no shadow lights upon the plant.

This water thrown from above
may yet serve the needs of the plant.
Roots may grow deeper, leafs larger and stems longer.

This frozen rain will feel the warmth of the sun,
and as the plant too feels this love from Heaven
the water will be sopped from the soil and feed it's growth.

Winter comes every year,
but never alone.
Spring will always follow.

1 comment:

Redeemed by Grace said...

Nice poem, but come on...you know you don't get seasons in L.A.

Which reminds me - when are you going to come visit?